Buddhism 101: Happiness Is an Inside Job Quick Links:
Course Overview
Upcoming Course Sessions
Current Schedules


Course Overview

Essential teachings at the heart of Buddhist practice

What makes you happy? Is your happiness dependent on external factors? What happens if those factors change?

Most of us pursue transitory moments of happiness — believing that the right job, partner, possessions or experience will deliver the satisfaction we seek. We suffer when conditions fail to fulfill us in a lasting way. What we don’t realize is that real, sustained happiness is an inside job — a product of the qualities of our hearts and minds, not the things we acquire or the circumstances of our lives.

In this course, we’ll explore essential Buddhist teachings on generosity, virtue, compassion, and connection, qualities that have the power to ground us in a life of depth, meaning, connection, and joy that sustains us no matter what comes our way.

Each session will include lecture, meditation, sharing, and Q&A, and practical exercises for applying the teachings in your daily life.

This course qualifies for the Year-Long Mindfulness Immersion Program.


Upcoming Course Session

Current Schedules

There are no sessions of Buddhism 101: Happiness Is an Inside Job currently in progress.