Embrace the Truth

Sometimes when the truth arrives, it feels immediately pleasurable and liberating—like a sweet relief. What a blessing when truth arrives like an unexpected party! Yet, there are many more moments for me when truth has arrived more like an irritant showing me something that I have denied or resisted. The truth can be unpleasant at first—like a cold shower bringing shock as we grapple with new information. We are faced with the soul-stretching decision of how we will integrate this information into our lives. Will I be able to manage this newness? Am I ready for this? Am I enough? Moments like this remind me of why I practice mindfulness—to practice stepping into the unknown moment by moment. To widen my window of tolerance for the unpleasant. As I practice, I remember that I am enough. As I practice, I remember that an infinite reservoir of courage is available at all times. As I practice, I remember the cold shower of truth can also bring reinvigoration as we meet reality as it is. I remind myself sometimes,” I’d rather welcome a difficult truth than pretend with an easy lie.” So I invite you to join me in the practice of embracing truth--whether it comes as an unwelcomed stranger or a familiar friend. In the end, both guests illumine the path to freedom. Weekend Wisdom is a weekly sharing from Copper Beech Institute’s founder, Dr. Brandon Nappi.