Stepping up to: Possibility

We are now entering Week 4 of our Stepping Up Together campaign, featuring Possibility. Stepping Up Together is all about embracing the power of community and stepping boldly into our highest potential. Each week of this campaign features a theme for reflection, inviting us to consider how we may step up, join hands, and be the change we wish to see in the world. This week’s theme is possibility. ❤️

We invite you to take a deep breath, close your eyes, and enter the realm of possibility—the container for your dreams, hopes, wishes, and the voice of your most daring and authentic self. When we nurture this inner world of possibility, our outer world responds. Gradually, we start living from a place of childlike wonder. We rekindle the light of hope—a tiny spark which soon grows into a brilliant, dazzling light. We begin to think, speak, and act our dreams into existence. 

Better yet, this embodiment of possibility is contagious. It touches and inspires everyone in our paths, radiating waves of hope and inspiring movements of radical, positive change. 

So, how do we begin living with a mindset of possibility? We believe it all starts by returning to stillness— back to the silent place within our hearts, where the realm of possibility can be found. Br. David Steindl-Rast ,a 96 year-old author, scholar, and Benedictine monk teaches a powerful method for this process called, “Stop, Look, Go.”  

First, we STOP. Slow down, pause, become still, and drop into the present moment. 

Next, we LOOK. Listen and observe with a "beginner’s mind." Be curious about your experience in this moment, and honor all of your feelings and sensations. 

Finally, we GO. What seed for action is this moment offering you? Listen for your inner guidance—the voice of possibility—then go and act.  

With all of this in mind, we invite you to reflect on the following:

How would this moment change if I were to approach it with a curious, non-judgemental "beginner's mind"?

Where is my inner compass leading me?

How would it feel to let go of doubt and open the doors to hope, possibility, and childlike wonder?

Let's hear more about possibility from dedicated board member and facilitator, Regina Long:

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