MBSR Encore: Renew & Connect

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By Sharon Gutterman Ph.D.

About 15 years ago, I completed the intensive Mindfulness-Based Stressed Reduction training program directed by Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli. By the last class, I intuitively knew that I had taken baby steps on a new path - that I wanted to continue and ultimately share concepts and practices with other people. My questions were: What would be my next steps? Where could I go? How could I connect with other MBSR graduates? I cast a wide net for my exploration and found a variety of classes and retreats in the U.S. and abroad but only occasionally did I meet other MBSR grads and feel that special bond.

Fast forward: I’ve been teaching the classic Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction series for many years. In the last class, we talk about ways to continue practicing. One class started a Face Book page. Emails and phone numbers have been exchanged. A list of resources at Copper Beech as well as at other retreat centers is handed out. But during the course of my days, when I run into an MBSR grad, too frequently the person says they need a refresher course, a boost for their practice, to get back on track. I’ve heard this often enough that I decided to design a course specifically for MBSR graduates. Hence, MBSR ENCORE: Renew and Connect. You spoke and Copper Beech listened.

MBSR ENCORE: Renew and Connect is unique. To participate, the person must have completed the classic MBSR series. We welcome anyone who graduated from MBSR training anywhere in the world. During our time together, we will revisit MBSR concepts and practices, as well as introduce new topics. A keystone of ENCORE will be an opportunity to participate in a volunteer project of your choosing. We will also focus on ways to keep the practice fresh…sustain what you have learned…to plan for life after ENCORE. I hope you will participate in ENCORE to strengthen your commitment and be inspired by MBSR friends.

I look forward to welcoming you in the warm-hearted environment here at Copper Beech Institute. Learn more about MBSR Encore here.

Upcoming Programs with Sharon Gutterman