Joanna Curry-Sartori

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With over 20 years of experience as an educator, program director and leader in the field of mindfulness and yoga, Joanna has focused the last eight years on introducing and integrating Self-Leadership, mindfulness,  and social and emotional learning in education, reaching over 100 schools throughout the Greater Hartford Area. Now endorsed and funded by grants from the Foundation for Self-Leadership, Joanna is a leader, innovator and pioneer in the global effort to develop and integrate the  transformative benefits of the IFS model in school systems. Joanna is a national presenter with PESI, leading workshops throughout the country. Additionally, Joanna is faculty for the Copper Beech Institute, specializing in consulting with schools regarding the integration of contemplative practices.  Joanna has a coaching and clinical private practice in Newington CT, where she works with children, teens and families, and individual adults. Whether she is consulting with administrators, presenting to parents and teachers, or hands on in classrooms with students, Joanna is passionate about working with people of all ages to discover simple ways to access their innate calm, confidence, courage and compassion to bring their best into each moment.  

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