Take Your Time

Everything that casts light also casts shadow. As we begin a new year, with lots of intentions to grow and change, it’s important to remember that all of our new year’s resolutions to welcome wonderful habits, healing practices, and personal growth come with a potential shadow side. At their best, new year’s resolutions reflect an authentic longing for growth, fuller life, deeper compassion, and ease; at their worst, we make resolutions driven by our inner-critic because we feel broken and shameful. Remember, you are not a self-improvement project. You are not broken. You are whole, just as you are. Rooting our desire for growth in self-hatred and inner-criticism will not lead to the kind of healing that we yearn for. The deepest, most lasting, and most authentic growth is rooted in paradox or the holding of two seemingly opposite truths. You are enough just as you are AND you have the capacity to grow even more fully. What holds this paradox together is the courageous choice to lavish yourself with self-compassion. True growth is fueled by self-compassion, the bold decision to be as gentle and loving toward oneself as we are to those who we love and cherish most deeply. May our new year’s resolutions flow from this place of radical self-love. Wishing you a radiant and joyous new year!

Weekend Wisdom is a weekly sharing from Copper Beech Institute’s founder, Dr. Brandon Nappi.